07 January 2015

Witty Words with The College Life Stylist

Hi everyone!

With 2015 just starting off, I made myself a goal to start a new blog series. In staying committed to that goal I decided to start interviewing some of my favorite bloggers to help others get to know them better and maybe inspire people to start a blog of their own

To start things off I had the pleasure of interviewing Alexandria from The College Life Stylist. Earlier this week I shared the guest post I did for her. In return, I asked her if I could interview her!

Alex is a super talented college student who goes to school, blogs, and also offers discounted blog design for college students. Her blog is so helpful. If you ever need tips on school or college definitely check out what Alex has to say.

Hey Alex! For those who are not familiar with you and your blog, could you tell us a little about yourself?
I am a freshman, Marketing major and Women Studies minor, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I have an obsession with planners, colorful markers, and hot chocolate

Why did you start The College Life Stylist?
I started The College Life Stylist as a way to potentially help high school, or other college students, and learn from other bloggers. A huge portion of my blog is dedicated to study aids, time management tips, organization help, and some advice to calm down some stressed out teens. 

What has been you biggest accomplishment as a blogger so far?
My biggest accomplishment was in my first month. I never thought that I would get a lot, if any viewers, as a rookie blogger and I had almost 20,000 views in my first month alone! Every comment I get shows me that I’m helping somebody, and it’s so incredible knowing that what I’m saying is positively affecting even just one other person. 

With the holidays just ended have you made any recent shopping splurges? If so, what did you buy?

I just celebrated my 18th birthday! So I went on a mini shopping spree. I didn’t buy one big item but I did get a few things I had been wanting including an oversized grey sweater from Nordstrom, a new book, and the fifth and sixth season of Sex and the City on DVD

What has your favorite color combination been recently?

I love neutrals. My outfits are almost always all neutral. And sometimes I’ll throw in a hint of gold or sparkle just to mix it up. 

If you could live anywhere for a year, where would you live?

My life goal is to live in NYC, but I think I would live in Paris for a year. I’ve never taken French, and I know very little about the culture, but I’d love to just bring my camera, laptop and boyfriend and roam Paris for a year while taking pictures and wearing a beret!

Since you're a Freshman in college do you ever find it hard to balance your time and still continue to blog?
It definitely gets hard some days. But for me blogging is my outlet, my stress relief. I always plan out my posts every week on Sundays, but if I’m having a stressful week I usually cancel a post or substitute a scheduled one for a little rant of my own: where I usually talk about how I should be trying to relax. 

Do you have any advice for someone who is wanting to start a blog?
Just do it. It’s the best decision I’ve made, and it opens so many more doors than you think. But if you’re going to do it make sure you have a good design. On the side I run a little digital design shop where I make blogs just as fabulous looking as their content. The business has shown me how important a design can be for the success of the blog. 

Where can we find you on social media?

Twitter: @CLS_blog
Facebook/ Pinterest: The College Life Stylist
Instagram: @thecollegelifestylist

Just for fun- wedges of stilettos?
I love stilettos and I want to own a thousand of them, but I am definitely more of a wedges girl. They’re just so much more comfortable and versatile. 

Thanks so much Alex for taking the time to answer these question! I loved hear what you had to say. Now everyone go give her some love on her social media accounts found above!


Are you more of a wedges or stilettos girl? Let me know in the comments below!

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